As the upcoming EIC sampling season approaches, the team at SoilView is eager to help growers take advantage of this valuable practice. If you are new to EIC sampling, it is a very straightforward process that can provide significant benefits to your operation.
Where to Start with EIC Sampling
One of the easiest places to start is with growers due for regrids. Because they already understand the value of soil sampling, they should be more receptive to the idea of EIC sampling. Also, reviewing your ReTain orders can help you quickly identify fields suitable for EIC sampling.
Soybean and continuous corn acres are prime candidates for EIC sampling. For soybeans, many fields are in an ideal spot for sampling right before fall fertilizer application for the next corn crop. Continuous corn fields often require fall applications for the following year’s crop, making EIC sampling a smart move to stay ahead of the fall rush.

Signing Up that First Acre is the Hardest Part
We get it. But once you experience the benefits of EIC sampling, you’ll be glad you made the decision. You will see that even shifting just 10% of this year’s sampling to the EIC season will provide a great advantage.
Talk with your SoilView manager today about tools to help communicate the value of EIC sampling to your growers. You’ll see that, once presented with potential benefits, many growers will be receptive to the idea and you’ll both reap the rewards of this approach. Don’t miss out on the advantages of EIC soil sampling.