A Soil Sample Influences Many Aspects of a Grower’s Operation
Every crop success is determined by the Law of the Minimum – whatever the biggest limiting factor in the field determines the maximum yield that can be produced there. It is well known that P & K management is fundamental to maximizing grain production, and proper pH levels are critical to reaching that higher yield potential.

There are a lot of promising products and services being marketed to your growers, and the best way to start looking into them is still to get high-quality soil samples to measure where nutrient levels are first.
Some examples of these include:
- Biology/Soil DNA – Seed selection and to predict and protect against the most damaging pests
- Soil Health – Tests such as the Haney and Solvita test to measure positive change due to changes in farming practices
- Soil Carbon Programs – Active Carbon, Total Organic Carbon, and Bulk Density for various programs/credits
All these and more can be investigated, tested, and put into practice for your growers – but only after any nutrient deficiencies are corrected. Making sure your growers are a part of your soil sampling program is the first step to taking them to the next level with the newest innovations in Ag.
How many of your growers are soil sampling?
Recent data shows a significant amount of acres across the Midwest are not being sampled. Those growers aren’t just missing out on the benefits of using soil test results now, they are a step behind when it comes to being ready for the future too!

Now’s the time to talk with growers that are not yet soil sampling about the value of starting this fall. It’s not just to make fertility decisions and control input costs now. It is the best thing they can do to position themselves to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the future as well!
For a more in-depth look at our soil sampling system, how to up your game with high-quality soil samples, or how we can help you to help your growers, contact SoilView today!