Spring is an exciting time to get back out in the field and start with spring soil sampling. Our expert team watches for the following things to help determine if the time is right to start sampling or if it’s still too soon.
So, What Do We Look for?
Focus on fields getting a spring application. Our main goal when we start spring sampling is to prioritize your fields that are actively waiting for an application before the planters can start to roll. Once these are done we can shift focus to other fields being sampled for later applications.
Checking soil conditions throughout the field. It may look fine near the field entrance, but frost and moisture content can vary greatly throughout each field. Shifting a few sample sites can be done to avoid problem areas, but you don’t want to have to move too many off the established grid points – remember your long-term sampling trendlines are important too.
Are you or others spreading or applying Anhydrous in the area? Field conditions that keep you out of the field are going to keep us out as well. It’s not just waiting for the ground to be firm enough to drive in – cold mushy soil cores do not provide the quality sample you need.
Avoiding wet and muddy soil. If it is tacky enough to stick to your boots or get kicked up by an ATV tire, it is generally not ready for field work yet. We do not want to upset your growers by creating ruts or getting equipment stuck in their field!
Watch out for fall tillage. Disrupted soil has not had the chance to settle yet and will affect the ability to get consistent cores – a good quality sample should always be priority #1!
Reach out to SoilView today to schedule your spring sampling and ensure your fields are ready for a productive season ahead!