Take Better Control of the Time Crunch
There are a couple things that will always be true.
1. Fall is notoriously the most stressful time in the agriculture industry.
2. After harvest activity is hectic and always will be.
With everything that is competing for your time and attention, it can be easy to forget about cornerstone pieces like soil sampling until the last minute if you aren’t prepared. Here are a few things you can (and should do) right now in preparation for your busiest season to help alleviate the pain.
Pre-harvest = Preparation Time
There are only a few short weeks before harvest will be in full swing. What can you do now during prep time, so you don’t have to do them later when everyone is fighting for your time?
- Place sampling orders for the season. Every order you place now is one you don’t have to spend time on later during the fall rush.
- Make one last check of your ReTain list. These orders are already made for you and waiting – use them!
- Sample early-harvested fields now. Silage, wheat, and other crops are coming off now – have their sampling done and off your plate.
- Order MMP and NRD sampling. Waiting until the last minute to order these puts planning them right in the middle of your busiest time – order them now!
- Set up SoilView Mobile Access. Using SoilView Mobile to release your sampling and monitor field status is quick and easy from anywhere.
Soil Sampling Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful!
Using the tools and integrations from SoilView gives you the ability to choose when you invest some of your time so it doesn’t all have to happen at once. Or worse, get forgotten until it’s too late!
Have questions? Ready to place an order?
Give us a call today!